muflehun [moof- lay- hOOn]
the people who cultivate prosperity
Muflehun works with governments and businesses to transform ideas into impactful actions.
What We Do

Policy Advisory
Muflehun uses data analytics and learnings from implementation to inform strategies, policies and legislation for systemic change at all levels of governance.

Capacity Building
Muflehun supports sustainable change through capacity building of government officials, community leaders and early-career influencers.

Public Awareness
Muflehun works on effective, efficient and scalable solutions for public awareness using narratives and storytelling
Focus Areas
As a resource center working at the nexus of society, security, and technology, we address selected complex social challenges to boost social resilience.
Focus Areas

Community Safety
Primary prevention of targeted violence, terrorism and gun violence

Local Governance
Data analytics to inform local strategies

Economic Growth
Economic revitalization in post-conflict environments

Climate Opportunity
Converting climate challenges into opportunities
Selected Programs & Projects

Stoppable is a true crime podcast that uncovers the chilling stories of individuals who become enthralled by the idea of mass killing to achieve their ends. Stoppable is also about the heroes – their friends and loved ones who take action, often risking their own lives to prevent these atrocities.
Join us as we shed light on the darkest corners of our society and understand what drives these individuals to commit targeted violence and domestic terror so that we can work to prevent these tragic acts. Because even the most despicable acts are… Stoppable.

The Community Resilience Early Warning System (CREWS) is a data-driven innovation program to prevent violence. CREWS helps build resilience by prioritizing socio-ecological risk and protective factors, generating need-based local prevention framework priorities, and steering local and federal resource allocation towards effective prevention programming.
This public-health informed, data-driven approach to support government policies and budget allocations actively safeguards privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.
This project was made possible by funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships, opportunity number DHS-20-TTP-132-00-01

Local communities are one of the most powerful assets in violence prevention. The Tackle! Upstander Training for community leaders enhances their awareness of the threat of targeted violence and domestic terrorism, recognize bigotry (antisemitic, anti-Muslim, racism), and increases their knowledge of what steps to take to prevent domestic terrorism and violent extremism in their respective communities.
This project was made possible by funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships, opportunity number DHS-20-TTP-132-00-01